NeurIPS@Paris 2024
4th and 5th of December
Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI)


NeurIPS@Paris 2024 is a 2-day event that takes place at Sorbonne Université on the 4th and 5th of December. This event provides a local alternative to the NeurIPS conference. It aims at addressing some sustainability and inclusivity concerns in machine learning research. All students and researchers are welcome to attend.

Authors of all accepted papers at NeurIPS 2024 are given the opportunity to present their work, through an oral presentation and/or a poster session. We unfortunately cannot accomodate oral presentations for all accepted papers; a subset of accepted papers will be proposed an oral presentation, based on scientific quality, thematic coherence and diversity criteria.

New this year: we offer travel grants. Please let us know when registering if you want to apply for a travel grant. Grants will be given in priority to students and members of underrepresented groups in ML. Please note that we will not fund air travel, for sustainability reasons.


The event is free but registration is mandatory.

Registration are open from September 30th until **October 18th** through the following link:

Please note that due to a large number of registrations that strongly exceeds the event’s capacity, we will close registration early with respect to the first announcements. We will also implement a waiting list due to over-registration. We will send you an email after October 18th to inform you whether your registration is confirmed or not.

This event is in-person only: we will neither record presentations nor include online options.


This event will take place at Campus Jussieu (4 Place Jussieu, Paris 5ème).

To access by metro, go to station Jussieu on the line 10.

The presentations will be held in amphithéâtre 25. All social events (poster sessions, mentor and career sessions, cocktail and lunch) will be held in SCAI and in the Esclangon building, which is located within Jussieu. A map of Jussieu is available here.

Sustainability ambitions

We aim to organize a local and sustainable alternative to in-person attendance to international ML conferences. To this aim:


Organizing committee

Raphaël Berthier (INRIA)
Linus Bleistein (INRIA, Université Paris-Saclay)
Edwige Cyffers (INRIA)
Mathieu Even (INRIA)
Maxime Haddouche (INRIA)
Pierre Marion (EPFL)
Maxence Noble (Polytechnique)
Loucas Pillaud-Vivien (Ponts)

Advising committee

Chloé-Agathe Azencott (Mines Paris-PSL)
Francis Bach (INRIA)
Claire Boyer (Université Paris-Saclay)
Gérard Biau (Sorbonne Université)
Vianney Perchet (Criteo, ENSAE)
Jean-Philippe Vert (Owkin)


If you have any question, please contact us at

Photo credit: marlenedd